WDCAG 2024: Relevance
March 15-16, 2024, Okanagan College. CAG Western Division.

Call for Abstracts
The theme of this meeting is ‘Relevance’.
Relevance is what makes geography powerful. Geographers are in important positions in government, business, and the community. We have insights that recognize challenges others don’t, and we provide solutions. We understand why solutions that work in one place won’t work in another. We make connections and see the big picture.
We invite participants to reflect on how your work is relevant, whether to society, a community, a government department, an employer, or to your own development.
Abstract Submission
Please submit a Word document, with a limit of 300 words including author(s), institution(s), and keywords. Please include a statement of why this work is relevant!
Abstracts can be sent to MHeinrichs@okanagan.bc.ca
Registration for Oral Presentations deadline February 23, 2024 (EXTENDED)
Registration for Poster Presentations deadline March 1, 2024
Additional Details
Printed posters are to be 1 x 1.5m (approximate size) and will be hung from walls using tape.
There is an undergraduate and graduate student prize for poster and oral presentations. Prizes include a CAG membership paid by WDCAG and a cash award.
*Only abstracts from registered attendees will be accepted. Register here before submitting.
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9