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Ressources pour les étudiants

N.B. Compilation de ressources, certaines disponibles uniquement en anglais.


Pourquoi étudier la géographie?
Reasons to study geography   
Why study geography?
Preparing for a geography career
Geography – what is it good for? (PDF)

Why your geography degree will get you a job


Communication et écriture
How to Write a Seminar Paper, a Research Proposal and a Thesis 
Preparing Academic Posters 
Preparing Scientific Posters 
How to Communicate Effectively
Tips on oral presentations (PDF) 


Publication académique 
Simple advice for academic publishing
Academic publishing resources
CAG Editor “Revise and Resubmit” (PDF) 


Guide du monde universitaire
Yellow Book - Guide to Academia - (PDF)



CAGLIST Job Postings
Academic Careers Online Research, Scientific & Academic Vacancies 
Anglo American

Careers in Geography
Careers in Human Geography
Environmental Careers Organization 
Earthworks Jobs 
Environmental Jobs and Careers 
Forestry Careers and Employment 
Canadian Geomatics Employment Centre
GEOconnexion Recruitment
Geology and Geosciences Jobs
Geospatial Careers
Government of Canada – Job bank
Green Jobs 
International Youth Programs 


Bourses et prix

ACUNS - Awards Program
Bourses postdoctorales
Canadian Council for Geographic Education - Awards
Canadian Institute of Geomatics - Scholarships And Awards
CIHR funding 
Geography Scholarships by Province 
J.H. Stewart Reid Memorial Fellowship 
NSERC - For Students and Fellows 
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program (OGS) 
Resources for the Future – Awards and Fellowships
Society of Women Geographers – Fellowships
SSHRC - Funding
Trudeau Foundation Scholarships
University of Waterloo – External Awards
W.L. Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships



Vidéos sur la géographie

Going Places with Geography Part 1

Going Places with Geography Part 2

What can you do with geography?

Geography Matters – Google Earth

“GRAD My voice, Our Future” Video Contest – 2nd Place: Joseph Ariwi


Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Anchor 4
Anchor 5
Anchor 6
Anchor 7

L'Association Canadienne des Géographes​



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