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CAG Mission Statement

1. Dissemination of Geographic Research


Through The Canadian Geographer and the presentation of papers at the national and regional meetings, the CAG is committed to the dissemination of geographic research.


2. Promotion of Geographic Education at All Levels


Through the CAG Education Committee, individual members support of Summer Institutes for Geographic Education, the “Great Canadian Geography Challenge” and the monitoring of geography at colleges and universities across Canada, the CAG is committed to the promotion of geographic education at all levels.


3. Recognition of Geographic Excellence


Through the CAG awards for scholarship, service, contributions to the public and private sector, teaching excellence and undergraduate scholarship, the CAG is committed to the recognition of geographic excellence.


4. Increased Cooperation with Other National and International Geographic Organizations


Through our associate membership agreements with l'association professionelle des géographes du Québec, the Association of American Geographers and the Institute of British Geographers, the Canadian Association of Geographers/Royal Canadian Geographical Society corresponding membership agreement and our membership in the International Geographical Union, the CAG is committed to working with other geographic associations to promote geography as a key discipline in education, research, and in the public and private sectors nationally and internationally.


5. Increased Participation in National Interdisciplinary Organizations


Through our membership in the Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada and the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences, the CAG is committed to working with our related disciplinary interest groups to promote the importance of scholarship and research in Canada.


6. Improved Service to the Membership


Through the CAG Newsletter, the home page on the World Wide Web, the CAG Directory, associate membership agreements, membership in national and international organizations, publishers' discounts, and the organization of regional and national meetings, the CAG is committed to providing the highest level of service possible to all geographers regardless of whether they are students, teachers, professors, employed in the public or private sector, retired or non-waged.


Approved by the Executive Committee of the CAG - 1996.


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Canadian Association of Geographers


PO Box 25039 

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