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Groupe de solidarité intersectionnelle féministe

Série de conférences commémoratives Suzanne Mackenzie

Tous les deux ans, le Groupe de solidarité intersectionnelle féministe (FIGS) de l'Association canadienne des géographes (ACG) est honoré de commanditer la conférence commémorative Suzanne Mackenzie.

















































Conférences précédentes


Dr. Damaris Rose

Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

Refractions and recombinations of the ‘economic’ and the ‘social’: A personalized reflection on challenges by—and to—feminist urban geographies
donnée à l'Université Laval



Dr. Maureen Reed

University of Saskatchewan

Seeking red herrings in the wood: Tending the shared spaces of environmental and feminist geographies
donnée à Lakehead Univeristy



Dr. Isabel Dyck

University of British Columbia, at the time

Feminist geography, the ‘everyday’, and local–global relations: Hidden spaces of place-making
donnée à Moncton, NB



Dr. Evelyn Peters 

University of Saskatchewan

Conceptually unclad: Feminist geography and Aboriginal peoples
donnée à l'University of Toronto



 Dr. Jennifer Hyndman

Simon Fraser University, at the time

Towards a feminist geopolitics
donnée à Brock University

Qui est Suzanne Mackenzie?

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Dr. Sharlene Mollet

Professor Sharlene Mollett is cross-appointed to the Departments of Human Geography and Global Development Studies at UTSC and is a member of the Graduate Program in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. She is Chair of Global Development Studies. She was the 2023 nominee for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial lecture, and delivered her lecture, “Racial Geographies of Land and Domestic Service in Panama,” at the Annual Meeting of the CAG hosted by Université de Québec a Montréal, May 9, 2023.



Dr. Beverley Mullings

Professor Beverley Mullings, cross-appointed in Geography and Planning and Women’s Studies at Queen’s University, was the 2021 nominee for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial lecture. Dr. Mullings delivered her lecture, “Beyond the dark side of resilience,” remotely at the online CAG hosted by UNBC, June 8, 2021.

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Dr. Margo Greenwood and Ms. Linda Sioui

Dr. Margo Greenwood and Ms. Linda Sioui are the 2018 nominees for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture, delivered on August 7 in Quebec City.



Dr. Sarah de Leeuw

Associate Professor Sarah de Leeuw, appointed in the Northern Medical Program at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), is the 2016 nominee for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture. Dr. de Leeuw delivered the lecture entitled “Writing as a Form of Righting: Practicing Feminist Anti-Racist Literary Geo-graphing in Colonial Canada” at Dalhousie University on June 1, 2016. 



Dr. Linda Peake

Professor Linda Peake, appointed in the Department of Social Science at York University, was the 2014 nominee for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture. Dr. Peake delivered the lecture entitled “Rethinking Feminist Interventions into Geography” at Brock University on May 27, 2014.



Dr. Audrey Kobayashi

Professor Audrey Kobayashi of Geography at Queen's University was the 2012 nominee for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture. Dr. Kobayashi delivered the talk: "Coming to the Intersection: Impossible Conversations on Race and Gender along the Road" at Wilfrid Laurier University on May 29, 2012.

Dr. Kobayashi's presentation is available to view on line: Coming to the Intersection [1 hour]



Dr. Catherine Nolin

Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), was the 2010 nominee for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture. Dr. Nolin delivered the talk "Geography That Breaks Your Heart: Feminist Geography To/From the Peripheries" at the University of Regina on June 2, 2010. The full presentation, along with introductions from Drs. Sarah de Leeuw & Damaris Rose, is now available to view on line: Geography That Breaks Your Heart [1 hr, 20 min]


Suzanne Mackenzie était un membre très apprécié de la communauté géographique, tant au Canada qu'ailleurs dans le monde. Pionnière de la géographie urbaine féministe, elle a contribué activement aux discussions et à la recherche sur les femmes et la géographie et reste dans les mémoires pour son courage, son engagement envers le féminisme, son sens profond de prendre soin des amis, de la famille et des étudiants, son sens de la justice et sa humour irrépressible. Ces caractéristiques étaient toutes liées dans un esprit généreux. Elle est décédée le 24 octobre 1998 à son domicile de Nelson, en Colombie-Britannique, à l'âge de 48 ans. (Veuillez consulter «Tributes to Suzanne Mackenzie», Gender, Place and Culture 6 (4), 2009: 401-415; 


Échantillon du matériel pédagogique tôt de Suzanne sur Women & Environments, McGill University, 1980 (pdf)


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