Feminist Intersectional Solidarity Group
Feminist Intersectional Solidarity Group Student Paper Award
FIGS Student Paper Award Winners
2023 Emma Melis, McGill University
2023 Wajiha Mehdi, University of British Columbia
2022 Jessica Froese, University of Northern British Columbia
2022 Sophie Rowson, York University
2021 Shruti Raji Kalyanaraman, York University
2021 Lila Mansour, University of Northern British Columbia
2020 Bryanne Lamoureux, University of Winnipeg
2019 Julie Han, Simon Fraser University
2019 Hanieh Haji Molana, Kent State University
2019 Alex Perna, Brock University
Canadian Women and Geography Study Group Student Paper
2015 Christine Alic, Brock University
2013 Reiko Obokata, University of Ottawa
2012 Laurence Simard-Gagnon, Université Laval, Québec
The Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Fund
Suzanne Mackenzie was a much beloved member of the geographical community, in Canada and internationally, who died at home in Nelson, B.C. on October 24, 1998.
She will long be remembered for her courage, her commitment to feminism, her deep sense of caring for friends, family and students, her sense of justice and right and her irrepressible humour, bound up in a generous spirit.
Every second year, the fund established by CWAG/FIGS in the memory of Suzanne Mackenzie, supports the presentation of a lecture by a woman whose involvement in geography bears a significant correspondence with Suzanne's interests and passions. The lecture takes place at the Annual Meeting of the CAG. A sub-committee of CWAG is responsible for the selection.
To make a donation to the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Fund, please contact the CAG directly and mention your desire to make a donation to support the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture:
Canadian Association of Geographers
Email : info@cag-acg.ca
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9