Chantal Déry
RGQ President and Professor
1. Do you have any advice for early-career researchers wishing to establish themselves in the field of geography?
You have to love what you do and always act on your convictions.
2. What motivated you to pursue a career in geography?
For me, geography came midway through my career. I graduated with a degree in history, then in the didactics of the humanities, and then I moved more and more towards the didactics of geography, which has now led me to move more and more towards geography. This path was motivated by encounters and a desire to work more actively in the field of teaching geography.
3. Do you have any questions for us? Or would you like to add anything else?
My background is atypical and I'm still not 100% comfortable defining myself as a geographer. One thing I would like to see in the future is for geography teaching in primary and secondary schools to be less disconnected from geography teaching at the university level. Students in the classroom need to have access to what geography is in the 21st century, and not just coloring maps or memorizing the names of capitals.

Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9