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ACAG Division Information

ACAG Executive / Bureau de Direction

How to Join ACAG

ACAG Constitution


Executive Committee Bureau de Direction, 2023-24

President / Présidente

Carissa Brown

Secretary-Treasurer / Secrétaire Trésorier


Mathew Novak

Members-at-Large / Conseiller.e.s

Josh Lepawsky   2022-25

Joshua Barrett   term TBC

Student Representative / Représentant.e Étudiant.e

Miranda Frison


Memorial University of Newfoundland


Saint Mary's University

David Lieske.  2022-25

Johnathan Carter.  term TBC

How to Join ACAG

Membership in ACAG is defined in two ways:


  • FORMALLY, THROUGH CAG: All members of the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) who live in the Atlantic Provinces (determined by postal codes) are automatically registered as members of ACAG. For information about joining CAG, visit the CAG Home Page. For each member from Atlantic Canada, a rebate of $5 from the CAG membership fee is returned to ACAG.

  • INFORMALLY: All others interested in joining ACAG may do so, at no charge, by contacting the President or the Secretary-Treasurer of the Executive Committee.

ACAG Constitution

The Constitution of the ACAG is found in this PDF file.


Best Student Presentation at the Annual Meeting
ACAG presents an award for the best student presentation at the Annual Meeting.

Founders' Award
With an increase in the number of presentations at the Annual Meetings, the Founders' Award was introduced to allow for recognition of best student presentations in more than one category. The host organizing committee decides how to allocate the Best Student Presentation Award and the Founders' Award.

Stuart Semple Award
The Stuart Semple Award is presented for contributions to enhancing geography education in Atlantic Canada. Nominations for this award should be sent to the current ACAG President in advance of the annual meeting.

Stuart Semple Scholarship
The Stuart Semple Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating student of geography in Atlantic Canada to pursue a B.Ed. degree, with a view to him or her becoming a geography teacher at a school in the region.

Stuart Semple (Mount Allison University) received the Geographic Literacy Award from the Canadian Council for Geographic Education (CCGE) in 2010 and a cash prize from the National Geographic Society. He has devoted the entire prize money to improving geographical education in Atlantic Canada. A fund for that purpose has been established with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

Stuart Semple Scholarship page on the CCGE website.

The purpose of the Stuart Semple Scholarship is to engage departments of geography and faculties of education in Atlantic Canada in promoting the sound teaching of sound geography in the schools of Atlantic Canada.

Beginning in 2011, and for the duration of the fund, departments of geography will be enabled, in sequence, to nominate a graduating student with a Major or Minor in geography to receive a $1,000 scholarship, payable toward fees for a B.Ed. program in Atlantic Canada that prepares the student to teach geography/social studies at junior or senior high school level. In return, the recipient will be expected to present a paper at the annual meeting of ACAG in the final year of his or her B.Ed. program.

Sequence of Departments to nominate a graduating student for the award:

  • 2020: Dalhousie University

  • 2021: Mount Allison University

  • 2022: Université de Moncton

  • 2023: Saint Mary's University

  • 2024: Memorial University


Nomination Process
The appropriate department of geography in any year will inform the Canadian Council for Geographic Education of the student who is being nominated for the award and will provide relevant information on the nominee. Students interested in this scholarship should therefore apply to the Head or Chair of their Department of Geography.

Application Guidelines and How to Apply
The nominated student is required later in the same year of nomination to apply for admission to a B.Ed. program at a university in Atlantic Canada, to train as a teacher of geography/social studies (junior high or senior high school).

Upon acceptance into a B.Ed. Program, the nominee applies to the Canadian Council for Geographic Education for a bursary in the amount of $1,000. The nominee must support the application with documentary evidence of being registered in the B.Ed. program as outlined above.

Recipients of the bursary will be expected to present a paper at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (ACAG) in the final year of their two-year B.Ed. Program; or at the first annual meeting of ACAG after they have graduated from a shorter B.Ed. Program. The paper may be developed from one that they prepared during their B.Ed. Studies; in any case, it should address an aspect of geographical education or teaching at the school level.

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PO Box 25039 

Welland RPO Rose City, ON  L3B 6G9

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